Are you seeking change? Improve your mental health & wealth.

Are you seeking change? Improve your mental health & wealth.

Start with the FREE course for beginners on understanding options – put money in your account every week, even if you don’t own any stocks!


At certain times in our lives, we face reflection points. Maybe you have reached a certain age, are having a difficult time, or even have health issues. These posts are designed to help us with our mental health & our wealth. Lets live the best life we can.


Options must be the easiest way to generate additional income. A FREE course on understanding options and a paid course on the only option strategy you will ever need. This is called option investing – not trading.

Useful Links

Want some really useful links?
Articles, courses & podcasts from some of the most impressive people out there.
Let’s learn from others where we can. A very useful section to check out when you need a little pick-me-up.

Have you ever reached a time in your life when you realise you just have to do better?

At some stages in our lives we reach certain milestones, these circumstances force us to reflect and contemplate where we are and where we should be. Has this happened to you? Perhaps you turned a certain age, maybe you are recovering from a health scare, lost your job or even lost a person close to you.

These uncomfortable and sometimes joyous occasions, help us examine what is important to us, what have we achieved, what is working in our lives and what needs improvement. Some people shrug these happenings off and move on with their lives. Others take these important events and use them, they change things up and really improve their lives. 50 Plus Reasons is for the people that are wise enough to use difficult, uncomfortable and also beautiful events in our lives (like the birth of a child or the start of a new business), to change how we view life. To make changes to our thoughts & outlook, learn new skills & become people we want to be.

Options For Beginners


Great for Beginners

What’s Included

Learn how Options work.
Start to take charge of your savings

The Option Strategy


The Only Option Strategy you will ever need

What’s Included

How to use trading platforms
Where & how to place trades
How to not lose money
What stocks to use
How to drive money through the door every week