You cannot give up. Don’t be thrown off because you can’t see the story’s ending. You are on a fantastic journey, and you are more than a conqueror. You are not a quitter. Tell yourself you will never give up working on yourself.

With God’s help, you can overcome every single temptation to quit. You get yourself up and stop feeling sorry for yourself, as if you are the only one who has ever been through trouble. Get up and dust yourself off. Hold your head up and put your shoulders back. Announce to the world there is no more quit in you.

The test of anybody’s character and resolve comes in the valley. The tests aren’t on the mountain tops. They are when things are going horribly wrong. When chaos surrounds you, this is when the testing starts.

Why so many of us quit

Never give up

Never give up

What is the reason that 95% of us get to the end of our days and are not financially independent? Why have most of us accepted a life where our goals have not been met? Most of us don’t even figure out our purpose. If you ask anyone at 20 years old if they want to be a success, most people would answer yes with no hesitation. So why do most of us want success, but few achieve it?

“No condition is too dark, no situation is too impossible, no problem is so severe that God can’t in a moment, in an instant, overturn, intervene, interrupt and reverse the course of events” Denzel Washington

Consider that in the West today, most people don’t even know what they want. Very few have written down what they want to achieve, who they want to be, and by when. If most of us have no objective or clear goal or mission, it makes it easier to capitulate.

Trouble will always make its way into our lives

Inspiration is close

Inspiration is close

We are going to get punched in the nose by life. We will be left flat on the ground, gasping for air and thinking, ‘Will I ever be able to get back up?’ Are you in the valley right now? You just experienced the worst failure in your entire life. Maybe you are on the verge of quitting.

Perhaps you are having a moment of chaos just as you are trying to get your life together. You know you could deal with this much better if it wasn’t in the middle of such a horrible stage of your life. Creditors are calling you because you just got laid off from your job or your business has failed. Your marriage is falling apart, and you are going through a divorce. Your mother just died, your kids are sick, you have cancer, and you are going through depression.

In the middle of all this chaos, you have got to remember that it is in these low moments that will define who you really are. These are the moments that separate the successful from everybody else. Your true character is shown when your back is against the wall.

But how do you keep going?

It is possible to get back up

Get back up

Get back up

What is it that will make it worth it for you? Sometimes, you want to give up. Life is fighting against you. You are going to have so many moments when you doubt yourself. When you think you can’t go on. What makes you get up?

In these dark times, remember this. Everything has its season. Rough times haven’t come to stay. They’ve come to pass. God will use every horrible and trashy thing that happens to us for our good. Even the most disgusting and evil acts perpetrated on you – God will use every circumstance and situation for your good.

This, too, shall pass; you will get through this thing. So don’t you dare turn around and go back home. Don’t back down from the pressure. You are not a victim, so stop talking and acting like it. This trial and tribulation will take you to your next level. Every pain has a purpose in your life. Your pain will make you greater. Remember the old saying, ‘That which does not kill you will make you stronger.’

There is no shame in thinking about quitting. It’s OK if you’re getting tired. You may feel burned out, fine. But whatever you do, do not let these thoughts become your reality. Push these thoughts to the corner of your mind.

“The biggest lesson I learned in life is that nothing is permanent.
– Not your job
– Not your mental state
– Not your failures
Don’t stress yourself too much. Because no matter how bad the situation is, it will change.”

Pratik Thakker

The learning is in the failure, not in the success

Getting back up

Getting back up

If you have failed, failure is not final. Failure is formative. Failure is part of the process; it is part of the journey. How do you think you will ever grow if you don’t ever fail?

Does a baby learning to walk give up whenever they fall over and hurt themselves? Some of you have failed and think you are a failure. A failure is an event. It isn’t a person. When you fail, it doesn’t make you a failure. Failure can be used as fuel for the future. The great research project in your life is failure. You use it to know how to do it right in the future.

In life, you often have to fail in order to succeed. You must keep going no matter what happens to you. It is always too soon to quit. Your growth is not in the success; it’s in the process, the trying, and the journey that we discover who we really are. Most success is stacked on top of multiple failures. Take every single pain in your life and use it to push you toward greatness.

What is your why? Everything can be overcome with the right why

Never ever give up

Never ever give up

You have to figure out your ‘why’. Why will you get back up when chaos enters the gate? When fear starts to frustrate and play with your thoughts. Your motivation and conduct will not change if your why is strong enough. What ‘why’ will drive you forward?

Jim Rohn always discusses the ‘why’ being more important than the obstacles. If your why is compelling enough, you will not give up. Keep moving forward; do not let your struggles turn you around. If you keep going, you will eventually make it. When you want something bad enough, you will find a way.

Your ‘why’ is your inspiration, your need to improve and move forward. We’ve got to become who we are supposed to become. It is your responsibility to work out your why. To put in the effort and focus to decide what you want to accomplish. Plan out your why. It will have a significant impact on your daily tasks.

I’ve learned that if my why is strong enough, I will overcome obstacles and have a more thankful and joyful approach to each day.

The daily disciplines help you overcome

Daily discipline

Daily discipline

Life isn’t fair. It never will be. You have a choice: Are you going to get angry and frustrated if things go against you? Are you going to lash out? Will you start going down the spiral of negativity and let a horrible situation dictate how you feel and act? Are you going to fall over or fall apart?

Or are you going to step up? Are you going to face these issues with courage and resolution? Find a way to make it work in your favor.

The fight is not over if you have been knocked down. It is only over if you quit. You will win the fight if you decide to get back up one more time.

“Success is nothing more than a few disciplines practiced every day.” Jim Rohn

The daily disciplines are you secret weapon

The biggest win you can put in your bag is doing the simple disciplines practiced every day. Simply working on the daily activities you know will get you closer to where you want to be.

Figure out your ‘why’, and break this down into daily disciplines. What must you do each and every day to get you closer to your goals? Real success comes when you are consistent in knocking out your daily disciplines. Become an unreasonable person. Be ruthless with your time.

Celebrate the process. Did you get up earlier each day this week to work on whatever your project or goals are? Did you cut out the TV and do some work after dinner or after putting the kids to bed? Are you listening to helpful and motivational material on your way to work or when you pick up your kids? These small daily disciplines, if done consistently, will be your power. The daily disciplines are the perfect motivational tool. The one thing you can do every day to help you overcome any obstacle. Celebrate the small daily wins.

Sometimes a change of direction is needed

Never give up, keep working on you

Never give up, keep working on you

There is a big difference between quitting something that is not working and giving up. It is true this can be tricky. If you feel something isn’t working, you are flogging a dead horse and have given it a proper go, then let it go.

The difference between giving up and quitting is the following:

  • Do you get up the next day and continue to work on your daily disciplines after quitting some project? Have you given up, or are you just changing direction? Are you still entirely and ruthlessly determined to hit your goals?
  • Have you put a plan in place to get the new project or venture to grow and succeed?
  • Have you started to work on what resources and skills will be needed for the new venture?
  • What obstacles will you likely encounter with the new project, and how do you plan to overcome them?

Sometimes, a change of ladder is required. Never give up, never stop, and put everything into succeeding. If it isn’t working after you give everything, then change. Don’t give up, but change. Often, technology makes a business redundant almost overnight.

Don’t hold on to something that isn’t serving you anymore. More often than not, you know when you are giving up or just changing course.


Change can also force you into new learnings and new opportunities.

I have many stories of people I know who got retrenched or divorced. This was devastating to them at the time. A few years later, they are so glad it was forced on them. They have started their own business or changed careers. Most have remarried or found a new partner and are far happier than ever. I’m sure you have also observed this with people in your circle. In most cases, the people I know who went through these difficult circumstances look back with fondness at this challenging time.

I clearly remember some people telling me they were failures during the chaos. A few years later, most of them are in a better place. Never give up; circumstances may be against you. You may even feel like there is no hope. Just keep grinding away and keep picking yourself up.

Keep your discipline, and success is inevitable.

Learning new skills

I have found that learning new skills is one powerful answer to a happier life. If one of these skills brings more money into my account each week, then even better! Do you own any stocks? Did you know there is a way your existing stocks can bring in income for you almost every week?

From Berkshire Hathaway to Blackrock, all money managers use this strategy and bring in income from their stocks. You can, too.

Options must be one of the easiest ways to take control of your money. Learning how to use options to manage my finances instead of handing over the responsibility to a money manager has been liberating. If you own shares and want to learn how to make additional money from the shares you already own every week, with no risk, then options are for you.

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