I am so grateful that I started this project called 50PlusReasons. It has forced me to research subjects around our mental health. I have always admired people who are kind to others, have a positive outlook and attitude, and not much gets them down. These people are not only happy, but they live a fulfilled life. Have you wondered if you could become a person like this? Could we learn to live a life of kindness, gratitude, happiness, and contentment? The more I research, the more I realize what power our thoughts have on our lives.
Basic cellular biology tells us that our emotions and thoughts actually change the activity of the cells in our bodies. The power of thoughts is such that what we are thinking, whether helpful or not, and what we are feeling will change the activity and function of the cells in our bodies. So, our thoughts are literally changing our bodies.
Thoughts create change in our bodies

Power of thoughts
We have around 30 trillion cells in our bodies. About 330 billion cells are replaced daily, equivalent to about 1 percent of all our cells. In 80 to 100 days, 30 trillion of our cells will have replenished—the equivalent of a new you.
Most of your 30 trillion cells also have thousands of ‘receptors’ on each cell. A receptor is a protein molecule on the surface of each cell to which a substance can bind.
A receptor is like a lock, while the substance binding to it is the key. Thus, only substances that fit the “lock” can bind to a particular receptor. When a substance binds to a cell, it causes a change in the activity of that specific cell.
When substances bind to receptors on cells, it can tell the cell to do things like:
- Produce a particular set of chemicals: Such as a hormone that makes you feel full after a big meal or
- Divide faster: Maybe causing you to add muscle cells following exercise
Each receptor is specific to one peptide or protein. When we have feelings of anger, sadness, guilt, excitement, happiness, or nervousness, each separate emotion releases its own flurry of unique neuropeptides. Those peptides surge through the body and connect with those receptors designed to accept that particular peptide.
If the receptors pick up a particular neuropeptide, it will change the structure of each cell as a whole. Where this gets interesting is when the cells actually divide.
Thoughts create your reality

The power of thoughts
If a cell has been exposed to a certain peptide more than others, the new cell produced through division will have more of the receptors that match that specific peptide. Likewise, the new cell will also have fewer receptors for peptides that its mother/sister cell was not exposed to as often.
This article explains the science.
Thus, if you have been bombarding your cells with peptides from a negative thought pattern, you are literally programming your cells to build more of those receptors to receive that peptide in the future. Even worse, you are lessening the number of positive-thought peptide receptors, effectively making you inclined towards negativity.
In summary, our very thoughts and emotions produce a unique substance called a neuropeptide. These peptides surge through your body and attach to the receptors of your cells. These peptides then affect the actual structure of your cell as a whole. As you think and your emotions flow through your body, your cells change. As our cells divide and new cells are created, these new cells are designed around the thoughts and emotions we have been feeding our cells.
Our thoughts are literally changing our bodies – constantly.
This is why it is so important to control your thoughts

Control your thoughts
If thoughts are physically changing our bodies and even start to determine our future thoughts, controlling our thoughts and emotions is more important than first perceived.
What is interesting is what the Bible has to say on this matter. The Bible doesn’t only talk about our behavior but emphasizes how thoughts shape our behavior. The Bible exhorts us to be renewing our minds constantly. We should always be at the exertion of the transforming of our minds.
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8
Isn’t that interesting? It doesn’t stop there. In fact, there are hundreds of places in the Bible where we are commanded to take charge of our thoughts and emotions. The Bible often talks about how our mind can make our body healthy or sick.
“If you stay calm, you are wise, but if you have a hot temper, you only show how stupid you are. Peace of mind makes the body healthy, but jealousy is like a cancer.” Proverbs 14: 29-30
This was written around 3,000 years ago, long before the science of epigenetics or neuroplasticity. These new sciences prove that our thoughts can make us sick – or well. How did they know that thoughts are things and impact your life so long ago?
Science is telling you to be aware of your thoughts. The Bible tells us to take charge of every thought. The Bible tells us the power of our thoughts will shape our lives.
So how do you control the power of your thoughts?

Behavioural thoughts
I wrote an article on controlling your emotions, where the brain’s limbic system can override negative emotions, which you may find helpful. This article on the power of our subconscious mind also shows the power of your mind and how it impacts your outlook on life.
If the thoughts that pass through your mind can have control over the smallest cells in your body and, ultimately, your life, you probably want to change the thoughts that aren’t helpful. If you wish to change your life, you must be aware of how your thoughts impact your destiny.
Let’s look at some quick techniques to control how we feel and act. Incredibly, we can learn how to direct our thoughts to create success in our lives. We are in the driving seat. Our lives are not determined by the circumstances we find ourselves in. We can create a better life for ourselves through our thoughts.
Thoughts create your reality

Creative Power
Unfortunately, due to many generations in our past, our brains and bodies have hard-wired a negativity bias into us for a reason. Overemphasizing adverse events enabled our ancestors to survive. The anxious Caveman hiding in a cave would have lived longer if he worried about every sound. The Caveman, who assumed every noise meant nothing, would unfortunately not have lived very long, especially if the sound outside was a predator.
The bulk of our subconscious thoughts are thoughts that are not helpful. These thoughts, over time, make us feel and behave in ways we don’t want. The crazy thing is that these thoughts are only doing their job. These subconscious thoughts are only trying to protect us. However, if left alone, these thoughts produce a toxic environment in your body and certainly won’t give you the life you want.
To have control of our thoughts, we first need to analyze what thoughts are coming into our mind. We need to understand that most thoughts fed to us are negative and unhelpful. These thoughts will negatively impact how we view the world if left unchecked. Take some time to sit down and start to listen to the thoughts in your head, maybe even write these down. These thoughts will likely be those that track down a path with a negative bias. Fortunately, we can learn how our minds process any idea of change.
What thoughts are in your head?

Understanding of the world
Most very successful people like to believe anything is possible. We should learn from them. Jesus himself tells us that everything is, in fact, possible:
“Everything is possible for the person who has faith.” Mark 9:23
Our subconscious thoughts seem real to us. If we want to start something new and make some changes, our mind will tell us things like: ‘You can’t start that project, you don’t have the training, you are not able, what if you fail, this is too much risk, stay in your lane, don’t rock the boat, you could lose money if you tried this or that.’
Almost every single thought will be against you whenever you seek change, want to improve, start a new venture, or have decided to step out in faith. Be prepared for an onslaught of negative thoughts in your head. This is when you need to start preaching to yourself and not listening to yourself.
Knowing that God has made you, loves you, and wants the absolute best for you is critical. If you start with this understanding, you’ll be able to deal with every thought in your head. You can begin to shoot down every negative thought. The truth is that you are well-able, all things are possible, and you are loved, cared for, and unique. You can do whatever you set your mind to.
The power of your mind

The power of your mind
Your mind is so strong that you will figure it out if you are determined and have the resolve. Whatever venture you are thinking of, you can make happen. Consciously take every thought that is coming into your head. Thank yourself for every negative thought. Your mind is only trying to protect you. Then tell yourself that while these thoughts are trying to protect you, they aren’t the truth.
We know our thoughts are changing our bodies. Somehow, your thoughts can also shape your reality. Your thoughts have an inherent power. Not one single thing is created without first thought. Think of your local hospital or university. The idea, the building, and the resources to construct and sustain these institutions came from somebody who thought building these buildings would be a good idea.
Not one product or service came into being without somebody first thinking the thought. Nothing is created without first having the idea or thought. The whole universe was created by thought and words. This shows us that how we think and feel and what we say are more salient than first meets the eye.
Thoughts dictate our behaviour

Thoughts dictate our behaviour
Ask yourself, are we truly made in the image of God? If so, we know that God is a creator. He is the creator of all things. This means, then, that we were built to create.
If you step out in faith, look for a transformation in your life, and start to create, who knows what will be attracted to your life? You can determine your future; you can create a life for yourself. It begins with directing and substituting our thoughts and even our words.
Imagine what a little meditation on our thoughts will achieve. Take the time to analyze how you are thinking. It will change your world.
Learning new skills
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[…] a previous article, I wrote about some basic cellular biology. The latest science tells us that our thoughts and […]
[…] tells us that the way we view the world changes the very cells in our bodies. If you want to change the way you feel, you need to develop a technique to use a positive thought […]