Want to learn how to make income every week if you don’t own any stocks? Want to learn how to make income each week with the stocks you already own?
This course will go over every single step needed to literally put money in your bank every single week. Even if you don’t own one single stock. This strategy will also show you how to generate income every single week with the stocks you already own. Yes! That is correct; if you own stocks, this strategy will show you how to make money EVERY single week on the stocks you already own.
Options Must Be One of the Easiest Ways to Make Additional Money Every Month
But There’s a Problem…
90% of all people fail at options trading. | Most people don’t know you can use options to generate additional income from the stocks you already own. |
You will think you are the one in ten that will make money. | Most people don’t know you can generate income without even owning one single stock. |
Options are very difficult to learn & even harder to make. | The safest of all money managers like Warren Buffett use money from options to increase their returns. |
50 Plus Reasons has developed a trading strategy that is easy to follow, it is designed to ensure you do NOT lose money, but make consistent income every single week. It isn’t made with fancy graphics and effects.
Just battle hardened tactics & at the fraction of the cost other fancy courses. Step by step & click by click.
Hi, I’m Jono!
I developed this strategy mostly because I initially lost a lot of money trading options.
I have tried 0 DTE trading, long-term leaps trading, and everything in-between.
Believe me when I tell you this strategy is born out of a desperate need to turn things around. Through many, many hours of research, study & experience, this option investing strategy has been built.
This is not for traders. The options investing strategy is for those of us who want to bring money through the door every week for the rest of our lives – whether you own stocks or not.
Learn from my mistakes, manage your own savings, and be free from money managers forever.

Our investments and services may not be suitable for all investors. If you have any doubts as to the merits of an investment, you should seek advice from an independent financial advisor. Information on www.50plusreasons.com is not a substitute for professional financial services. 50PlusReasons is not responsible for the actions users take based on the site’s content.